
Founder Message

The idea of being a seaman came to me after reading a novel named “Atlantis”. This book was about the famous merchant ship owned by Germans and used to join the Allied Forces who used to guard the merchant convoys of ships steaming to various destinations. This ship “ATLANTIS”’ remained hidden. It did not touch any official port for more than 24 months keeping her capabilities and functioning by the willingness and high standard of the seamanship of her various crew & officers.

We hope that our history in shipping since 1956 till date will be a good security tool to you to evaluate our details.

By your support & trust, we earn more energy and stability.

Thank you,
Cpt Awwa

Our Story

Cpt Awwa's Story


Our founder, Cpt Awwa joined the Egyptian Merchant Navy as a cadet & when his passenger ship “Al Sudan” was transiting Suez Canal he met the 3rd Officer of “Atlantis”, Captain Fehler, who was a Suez Canal pilot at this time since this moment, the willingness to reach the maximum seaman abilities remain as a target.


Captain Awwa joined Suez Canal Authorities as a pilot & kept working as SC pilot until it was closed in 1967.


He joined the renovated port of Jeddah as a port officer


The Libyan Government asked our founder Cpt Awwa to work with them & share his experience with them to establish the Libyan Merchant Navy fleet.


He joined the European International Shipping as a fleet & operation assistant manager.


He formed “New Marine’ which has since started and till God’s wills will remain in service to the international and national Marine & logistics service. The company started in 1977 with one employee & now the stuff reached 40 employees

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